
Alfred Deakin High School Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case
Alfred Deakin High School is a Years 7 – 10 school formed in 1989 from an amalgamation of Deakin and Woden Valley High Schools on the site of Deakin High School. The school encourages and enjoys the confidence and support of its community, both locally and more broadly across Canberra, with a considerable number of students attending from outside the designated enrolment area.
Since 1989 the school building has undergone considerable refurbishment, including the acquisition of modern kitchens, technology, including information technology, and photography areas. During 1991 the school gymnasium was completed and officially opened. In more recent times, special purpose rooms for dance and drama, computing, multi-media and problem solving in mathematics have been added. Major refurbishments have been completed in the science area. A Learning Support Centre and e-Hub (previously the Library) have been established. More recently, further refurbishments have resulted in an outstanding Technology area, including a Digital Photography laboratory, upgrades to the Canteen, Art and Drama rooms, student toilets, Hall and carpark.
learning environment which is safe, caring, challenging and innovative
High levels of student motivation, enterprise, involvement, commitment and achievement
teaching team of outstanding quality and commitment, dedicated to continuing improvement, enhanced effectiveness and the achievement of excellence
Professional leadership that meets the needs and expectations of our community and is sustained by community involvement and support.
The curriculum structure is based on the concept of areas of "The Eight Key Learning Areas" for Years 7 - 10.
Courses have been rewritten in recent years to reflect National and ACT Frameworks, Statements and profiles.
Students are required to undertake study in all KLA's. This provides all students with a broad curriculum base, experiences and opportunities in all areas and a firm foundation for future studies in any area of endeavour and specialisation.
In outline, the concept looks like this:
The areas of essential knowledge and experience/key learning areas (KLAs) are:
The Arts
Physical Education and Health
Studies of Society and Environment
and LOTE (Languages other than English).
Extra-curricular and enrichment activities
Arts project
Five regular performance groups - Foundation Band, Concert Band, Unicorn Band, Flute Choir, String Group, Vocal Group as well as Rock Bands.
Band Camp, incorporating specialist tutors, rehearsals, concerts and guest conductors
Australian National Eisteddfod
Adelaide Arts Festival Extensive music tutor program offering a wide range of instruments
Life Drawing and Ceramics classes out of hours
Performance opportunities at ADHS through school productions and ACT / National Arts Festivals
Rock Eisteddfod team / Battle of the Bands entry
Dance Festival
Burning Boards youth drama festival
Radio Club
Theatre visits / performance troupes
Performances at local festivals such as Floriade and Canberra Multicultural Festival
Alfred Deakin High School Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.