

Moorebank High School Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case
At Moorebank we recognise such difficulties and rather than a bank of knowledge being imparted to each student, education in the 2000's is much more about how we learn rather than what we learn. When learning, it is more important to know how to find an answer than it is to just learn some facts we may or may not use. Life-long learners have the capacity to gain new skills, seek the knowledge they need and develop an understanding of the world in which they find themselves. Successful students leaving our School are equipped to do this. They appreciate that the future is not something which will act upon them but rather it is something to create.
Moorebank students have a proud history of successful achievement that is demonstrated through excellent academic results, impressive musical and artistic performance, fine sportsmanship, strong leadership and generous community service. In recent years numerous students have been involved in performances that are of the highest quality. Examples include several top 5 placings (including first in state) in various HSC subjects, individuals winning national and state vocational education training awards, sporting representation at national, state and regional levels, several NSW Minister of Education Awards for student achievement, as well as state and regional representation in music and dance. Other activities that showcase the talents of Moorebank students are our annual school art exhibition, the popular biennial Combined School Concert involving students from Moorebank High, Chipping Norton, Newbridge Heights and Nurrawa public schools, our music and dance evenings and our displays of HSC practical works.
Good manners, care for others, responsible behaviour, honesty, and morality are traditional values on which this School places great importance. Moorebank High School is held in high esteem throughout the community and it is this insistence on traditional values that underpins the School's good reputation.
High levels of student self-esteem, staff morale and community confidence can only be achieved when there are relevant educational programs for students to have successful learning experiences in a safe environment. 60% of our students come from areas outside our local drawing area. This demand for places from students living in all parts of Metropolitan South-West Sydney and overseas reflects the far reaching reputation of our School.
In 2010 the Moorebank community welcomed its first intake of academically selective students. Sixty year 7 students accepted places based on their performance in the Selective Schools Entry Examination and their primary school results. In response to becoming a partially selective high school all staff undertook a training program in differentiating the curriculum. This extensive program of staff professional development will enhance learning outcomes for all students.
Through a strong and supportive community, I know our school will continue to serve its students by providing the knowledge, skills and attitudes that allow them to be successful members of society.
Planning for Moorebank High School began in 1971 to meet the needs of the Moorebank, Hammondville and Chipping Norton growth areas. It wasn’t until the May holidays of 1975 however that the school was ready to be occupied. At the beginning of term two staff and students moved into the present school premises, with Mr. B.T. O'Donnell as the founding School Principal. In June 1985, to coincide with the opening of the school tennis courts, the school was officially opened by the then Minister of Education, Mr. R.M. Cavalier.
As a co-educational high school catering for students from Years 7 to 12, the school aims to provide a balanced educational program in a caring and happy environment. It strives to promote an atmosphere of mutual respect, co-operation and consideration in which students can increasingly develop a sense of personal responsibility.
Over the years Moorebank High has built up a proud record of academic, sporting, performing arts and student leadership achievement. The school is a leader in the area of technology with five computing laboratories allowing innovative and exciting learning programs to be developed for students. School musicals and Expo evenings are a feature of the school. Moorebank High School also won the national Solar Car Championship in 2009.
In 2010 Moorebank High School became a partially selective high school, with our first intake of 60 students in year 7.
The school motto is:LEARN TO LIVE
Moorebank High School Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.