

Bankstown Senior College Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case
The Bankstown Senior College, established in 1992, is a comprehensive co-educational senior high school, encompassing Years 10-12 and includes Sydney's only adult Intensive English Centre for students, newly arrived in Australia, sixteen years of age and over. The college caters predominately for mature age and re-entry students from a variety of cultural backgrounds including Arabic, Assyrian, Somali, Vietnamese, Serbian, Kurdish and Chinese. The curriculum is extensive and the college provides programs of study leading to the School Certificate and the Higher School Certificate. Intensive English courses are also provided to give students who lack proficiency in English, a firm foundation for undertaking further study. In 2002 over 30 different languages are currently spoken by college students.
Rules & policies
Values are taught in the classroom to help our students to:
develop a love of learning
pursue excellence and high standards
develop care and respect for themselves and others
take pride in their work
exhibit a strong sense of fairness and social justice
have respect for and understanding of Australia's history including the cultures and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the first peoples of Australia, and Australia as a multicultural society
have an appreciation of Australia's history and multicultural society
actively participate as citizens.
All students are expected to:
attend school every day, unless they are legally excused
be in class on time and prepared to learn
maintain a neat appearance and follow the school uniform policy
behave safely, considerately and responsibly including when travelling to and from school
follow class rules, speak courteously and cooperate with instructions and learning activities
treat staff, other students and members of the school community with dignity and respect
care for property belonging to themselves, the school and others.
Any behaviour that infringes on other people's safety such as harassment, bullying or any illegal behaviour will not be tolerated at our school.
The Bankstown Senior College Library is a modern facility, which services and supports the College curriculum. As such the library offers both staff and students access to a wide range of services and resources. These include books, journals, DVD's, newspapers, bi-lingual material and Internet and satellite links. Furthermore, the library complex includes individual and group study facilities, seminar rooms and computer room. The library's catalogue is computerised and accessible via internet.
Bankstown Senior College Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.